Karen YoungSep 10Is your dog in pain?I discuss chronic pain, why dogs don't cry out, what signs to look for and what you should do next if you suspect pain in your dog
Karen YoungOct 4, 2022How to keep your dog healthy this winterWalking your dog at this time of year can be challenging and not without risks. Find out how you can keep your dog safe this winter
Karen YoungNov 8, 2021I don't want my dog on pain medication, what else can I do?As you can imagine, I hear this a lot. I know how you feel. Four years ago I had to make the "awful decision" to put my beautiful girl on...
Karen YoungNov 23, 2020Myofascial pain - a most common, little known conditionDoes your dogs back twitch? Are they slowing down? Do they look stiff when they first move. It may not be arthritis. Find out more here
Karen YoungNov 23, 2020Syringomyelia - helping your dog live with this conditionSyringomyelia commonly affects small breed dogs - find out more about the condition and how to manage it with general advice for owners
Karen YoungNov 22, 2020Ball throwers - Just say no!I really don't like ball throwers. This blog gives you some reasons why they can be so damaging and provides safer, rewarding alternatives.
Karen YoungNov 22, 2020Can my dog be grieving and what can I do to help?How can you tell if your dog is grieving, what is happening on the inside and how you can help them.
Karen YoungNov 13, 2020Trigger Points - Your dog almost certainly has them!Active trigger points can mimic and are associated with other conditions such as arthritis and myofascial pain. Find out more...